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Month: June 2021

Upgrading PPE for staff working on COVID-19 wards cut hospital-acquired infections dramatically

“Once FFP3 respirators were introduced, the number of cases attributed to exposure on COVID-19 wards dropped dramatically – in fact, our model suggests that FFP3 respirators may have cut ward-based infection to zero.”

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Cambridge hospital’s mask upgrade appears to eliminate Covid risk to staff

Hospital infection study shows use of FFP3 respirators at Addenbrooke’s ‘may have cut ward-based infection to zero’

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Canada’s culture of silence on airborne virus transmission leaves many confused on how to best avoid infection

It’s the dog days of the pandemic. We continue to follow public health guidance, which is getting less restrictive, as we wait for vaccines to end this crisis. We have learned so much over the last year about how to better protect ourselves, including critical information that COVID is likely transmitted predominantly via airborne spread.

And yet, many of our infectious disease and public health specialists — including our chief medical officers of health — seem to be unable to say the word “airborne” or “aerosol” out loud, and instead continue to emphasize measures such as deep cleaning and plexiglass panels.

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How the COVID-19 pandemic lowered life expectancy in Canada last year

COVID-19 deaths led to a five-month decrease in life expectancy at birth last year, recent data released by Statistics Canada suggest, potentially putting the country at a level not seen in seven years.

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