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Month: February 2023

Don’t believe those who claim science proves masks don’t work

Masks have played a key role in keeping us all safe throughout the Covid-19 pandemic. At the start, masks helped flatten the curve to protect our hospital systems, and since, masks have helped make public spaces and essential services more open and accessible to everyone. Many studies show that masks work, and they work best when everyone wears a high-quality one to protect each other. Masks are magnificent.

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Une médecin de l’Outaouais atteinte de COVID longue raconte comment sa vie a basculé

Mélanie Lacasse has a heart that beats much too fast when she makes the least physical effort. This family doctor from Gatineau, suffering from the post-COVID-19 syndrome, called long COVID, had to learn to reinvent herself and change her lifestyle. A situation all the more difficult because it affects her profession considerably.

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Κορωνοϊός: Οι περισσότεροι ασθενείς με long Covid εμφανίζουν βλάβες οργάνων ένα χρόνο μετά

More than half of patients with long Covid suffer from organ damage a year after the initial symptoms, new research suggests.

Even those who were not seriously ill when diagnosed with the virus report problems, with extreme difficulty breathing and cognitive impairment among the persistent symptoms.

The study, the results of which were published in the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, involved 536 people.

Six months after their initial diagnosis with coronavirus, the patients underwent an MRI scan which revealed ongoing health problems, with 62% of participants suffering from organ damage.

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Do Repeat COVID Infections Increase the Risk of Severe Disease or Long COVID?

Many repeat infections are mild, but some studies suggest people who have been infected with COVID more than once are at a greater risk of severe disease or long COVID.

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Opinion: Treating kids as invulnerable is treating them as disposable

Are we OK with children being hospitalized for infectious diseases at far higher rates, as they have recently been? Are we fine with COVID being the No. 1 cause of infectious disease-driven death in children? Also, what if there is a number of reinfections at which average outcomes really start to worsen?

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Yes, masks reduce the risk of spreading COVID, despite a review saying they don’t

There is strong and consistent evidence for the effectiveness of masks and (even more so) respirators in protecting against respiratory infections. Masks are an important protection against serious infections.

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