About the website
A website for COVID-safe individuals and families who would like to find resources and ideas on how to navigate life in Canada to minimize the risk of contracting COVID-19. A pro-science, gaslighting-free space. We’ll be sharing the latest news, with information about recent studies.
This is a non-commercial, educational website. Unlike Facebook or Google, we won’t be monetizing your data or displaying ads. The website includes over 2,500 news clippings (> 1,280 in each official language) for articles and videos about research and other topics of interest to our community. There are pages with resources, action alerts, and community updates. We’ll also circulate a monthly newsletter (‘The COVID Times’).
About us
We are a group of COVID-cautious individuals located in Ottawa-Gatineau seeking to share news and information about COVID-19 and ideas on how to keep our communities safe.
We acknowledge that we live and work on the traditional Anishinābe Aki.
COVIDing noun
Taking precautions to prevent the spread of SARS-CoV-2, notably by wearing high-quality respirators (N95 or better) in indoor public spaces. SARS-CoV-2 is a level 3 pathogen that can damage organs throughout the body, including the brain, heart and lungs.
Taking precautions to protect our health, and prevent others from contracting COVID-19, by following science-based preventative health measures such as universal masking with N95 respirators, getting the latest booster doses, and cleaning the air in indoor spaces using HEPA filters and Corsi-Rosenthal boxes.
Caring about our community — not pretending that the pandemic is over.
COVID-cautious / COVID-conscious / COVID-aware adjective
/ˈkəʊvɪd ˈkɔʃəs/ /ˈkəʊvɪd ˈkɒnʃəs/ /ˈkəʊvɪd əˈwer/
An adjective to describe a person who is COVIDing / still COVIDing.
Level 3 biohazard noun
/ˈlevl θriː ˈbaɪəʊhæzərd/
A level 3 biohazard is (1) a pathogen that is highly infectious (e.g. airborne), that (2) frequently causes serious, long-term disease (unlike a common cold), and (3) for which existing vaccines and treatments are not highly effective at preventing serious, long-term disease. The personal protective equipment (PPE) scientifically required for level 3 biohazards is respiratory PPE (e.g. a high-quality respirator such as an N95 or equivalent). Examples of level 3 pathogens are SARS-1, SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19), tuberculosis, highly pathogenic avian influenza, and mpox.