COVID-19 wastewater viral signal
The COVID-19 wastewater viral signal for Ottawa has increased substantially (+963%) since a low on July 12, 2023.
Includes data up to September 4, 2023. Last updated: September 6, 2023.

Monitoring and indicators*
* NB: Due to the very limited availability of testing, case counts are an underestimate of the true number of COVID-19 cases.
Cumulative cases and deaths
Total cases: 92,813 ( increase of 163)
Total deaths: 1,103 ( increase of 8)
Last updated: September 6, 2023
Laboratory testing
7-day average of percent positivity: 18.54% ( increase of 3.4)
Date: September 4, 2023
COVID-19 hospital census
(Ottawa and non-Ottawa residents)

Confirmed COVID-19 patients in Ottawa hospitals: 88 ( decrease of 18)
Admitted for COVID-19 (ICU and non-ICU): 30 ( decrease of 5)
In hospital (ICU and non-ICU), not because of COVID-19: 58 ( decrease of 13)
Date of most recent census: September 4, 2023