COVID-19 wastewater viral signal
The COVID-19 wastewater viral signal for Ottawa has increased substantially (+732%) since a low on July 12, 2023. The viral signal is still lower than the extremely high peaks in early January and early April.
Includes data up to August 27, 2023. Last updated: August 30, 2023.

Monitoring and indicators*
* NB: Due to the very limited availability of testing, case counts are an underestimate of the true number of COVID-19 cases.
Cumulative cases and deaths
Total cases: 92,650 ( increase of 177)
Total deaths: 1,095 ( increase of 5)
Last updated: August 30, 2023
Laboratory testing
7-day average of percent positivity: 15.14% ( decrease of 2)
Date: August 28, 2023
COVID-19 hospital census
(Ottawa and non-Ottawa residents)

Confirmed COVID-19 patients in Ottawa hospitals: 106 ( increase of 35)
Admitted for COVID-19 (ICU and non-ICU): 35 ( decrease of 2)
In hospital (ICU and non-ICU), not because of COVID-19: 71 ( increase of 37)
Date of most recent census: August 27, 2023