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B.C. COVID hospitalizations at highest level since January

It may not be on most people’s minds, but COVID-19 is on the rise again in B.C.

The B.C. Centre for Disease Control released its monthly data on the disease Thursday, showing 204 test-positive patients in provincial hospitals. It’s only the second time all year that the hospitalized population has risen above 200, and the first time since early January.

The hospital census is more than double what it was at this time last year, when the BCCDC’s July update showed just 96 COVID patients receiving hospital care.

In its summary of “key trends” accompanying Thursday’s update, the BCCDC described indicators of COVID’s severity in the province as “stable with moderate levels of virus circulation.”

“SARS-CoV-2 levels are elevated in most wastewater sites relative to April,” the agency said. “Testing rates are stable in the last six weeks, but detections have increased, in particular in adults 60 years and older.”