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Corona-Gefahr: Ärzte schreiben Brandbrief

[Translated from German]

Austrian physicians warn of the consequences of an infection of the population with COVID-19 and demand protective measures.

Sixteen Austrian physicians have written an incendiary letter to the Austrian Medical Association. Their concern: protecting patients from coronavirus infection. They write, “We can NOT justify a continuous, unmitigated infection of the population with a vascular-damaging, neurotropic virus such as SARS-CoV-2, in which a previous infection does not protect against further infection in the long term!”

“Many people are forced to become infected.”

The handling of the pandemic and the management of this health crisis is “absolutely appalling.” “Through infection and reinfection, we are already seeing people lose healthy years of life, excess mortality is persistently too high, and 36 million people in Europe alone have become chronically ill as a result of SARS-CoV-2 infection. COVID-19 is not a common cold. It is not a flu-like infection. It’s a systemic, vascular-damaging disease that spreads only through the respiratory route, through aerosols.”

They call for better protection of people from infection by the coronavirus: “Since the removal of official protective measures in the medical field, patients, including vulnerable persons, have been exposed to the unhindered risk of infection with SARS-CoV-2, both in the private practice and in hospitals.” Many people would have no way of reliably protecting themselves and would, as soon as they needed health care, “be forced into a potentially serious COVID-19 infection.”