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Cutting wastewater surveillance is short-sighted

Ontario to halt COVID wastewater surveillance program, June 4

The Ontario government’s plan to axe funding for wastewater surveillance is irresponsible. Wastewater monitoring is an essential public health tool that provides insights into the spread of SARS-CoV-2, influenza and other viruses. Without funding, we will lose important information about the prevalence of these significant health concerns.

The timing of the announcement is astonishing. We are faced with an ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, and new hyper-infectious subvariants are spreading rapidly. We will be hindered in providing an early warning system to inform everyone about new subvariants and emerging pandemic threats such as avian flu.

Ontario’s researchers have pioneered the development of a world-class wastewater surveillance system. We should support their efforts. Our health depends on access to timely, accurate information about the prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 and other viruses. Wastewater surveillance is an essential tool in the public health toolbox.

Mike Buckthought, Ottawa

It is foolish and irresponsible for the Ontario government to plan to halt wastewater testing at the end of July. This testing yields factual, predictive information relied on by both researchers and members of the public (especially senior citizens and other vulnerable individuals). COVID-19 is not done with us, fall and winter are coming, and Ontario needs to continue monitoring.

Thomas Mulligan, Grimsby

The provincial government’s decision to stop wastewater testing and close disease testing sites is yet another short-term gain decision that fails to contemplate how the decision puts all citizens at risk in the future. The consolation prize is that we can shop for beer more conveniently by paying higher prices! It seems that encouraging Ontarians to drink beer is more important to the Ford administration than health care, education, the environment and long-term care! Surely we can do better. Bring the election on!

Bonnie Bacvar, Toronto