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Public Health should offer N95 masks

Re: Heavy smoke, smog wallop Ottawa, cancelling Dragon Boat, Indigenous festivals, June 25.

Thanks to climate change, we’re experiencing unprecedented hazardous air quality. Concentrations of pollutants have been an order of magnitude greater than the levels in major cities. And more smoke is on the way.

Ottawa Public Health should follow the example of public health organizations in other cities: it should distribute N95 respirators to Ottawa residents. Huron Perth Public Health is now offering respirators to residents who are at high risk for respiratory issues.

People exposed to particulate matter in smoke may develop lung and heart problems. At the same time, the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic is not over. People who contract COVID-19 are at risk of developing long COVID, strokes, heart failure, brain damage and many other health issues.

Preventative medicine is best — it makes sense to distribute N95 respirators to Ottawa residents, to prevent the numerous health issues associated with exposure to wildfire smoke and SARS-CoV-2. N95 respirators are very effective at filtering out fine particulate matter in smoke, as well as aerosols that contain viruses.

Mike Buckthought, Ottawa