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Tag: Auditor General of New Brunswick

‘Political preferences’ played role in COVID-19 pandemic response, Russell reveals

I think New Brunswickers were under the impression that government was looking for recommendations, for opinions from Public Health experts to make these decisions, and [it] feels like that … clearly wasn’t what was happening

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N.B. nursing homes lacked infection-control measures during COVID: auditor general

New Brunswick nursing homes that reported high COVID-19 infection rates lacked infection prevention and control practices, and were not properly inspected, says a report by the auditor general.

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N.B.’s top doctor at bottom of COVID-19 decision-making hierarchy, auditor general finds

The Office of the Chief Medical Officer of Health was at the bottom of New Brunswick’s COVID-19 pandemic decision-making hierarchy, a new report by the auditor general shows, while third from the top, after cabinet and the cabinet committee on COVID-19, was a group that several MLAs say they knew nothing about.

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