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Tag: Austria

Recordaantal coronavirusdeeltjes in het rioolwater

Never before have so many coronavirus particles been found in the wastewater as now. Coronavirus variant watcher Josette Schoenmakers reports this on X. At the time of writing, the national government’s coronavirus dashboard has not yet been updated with the most recent data.

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How COVID Truthers Breathed New Life Into an Antisemitic Symbol

The widespread appropriation by COVID truthers of the yellow star that the Nazis forced Jews to wear is a sign that public displays of antisemitism have become normalised in modern Germany to an unthinkable degree, experts say.

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It might be time to upgrade your mask

If you’re still wearing a cloth or surgical mask when you’re out and about, it’s time to rethink your face covering.

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is set to update its mask advice this week to best reflect the available options and the different levels of protection they provide, a CDC official told CNN Tuesday.

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