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Tag: Corsi-Rosenthal boxes

Local groups join forces for Vancouver’s second annual Clean Air Festival

Event spotlights clean air, community care, and award-winning talent

August 22, 2024 (Vancouver, BC) – On September 15, 2024, a coalition of community groups will present Vancouver’s second annual Clean Air Festival. From 1-6:30 pm, Clean Air 604, Clean Air in BC Schools, DoNoHarm BC, Masks 4 East Van, Millions Missing BC, Protect Our Province BC, SolidAIRity GVRD, Safe Schools Coalition BC, Spring Vancouver, and Vancouver Still Cares will join forces to present a COVID-safer, immuno-inclusive hybrid event, taking place in-person at Slocan Park and digitally via livestream and recording.

The event features a DIY air purifier-building workshop, tabling, children’s games and activities from 1:00 pm, with a stage magic performance at 3:45 pm and an outdoor concert from 4:30 pm. Masks, rapid tests, zines and DIY fit test kits will be available while supplies last. Air purifiers from the workshop will be donated to schools via Clean Air in BC Schools, and to vulnerable community members via Masks 4 East Van.

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Clean Air Club Is Organizing Musicians to Make COVID-Safer Shows and Spaces

Last year, Chicago resident Emily Dupree attended a concert with her partner, who caught COVID-19 at the show. While Dupree treated her sick partner and tried to avoid getting ill in their shared home, some thoughts began to form in her mind. Dupree and her partner still wore masks everywhere they went, and had adopted air purification in their home early in the pandemic to mitigate the risk of transmission. But she knew that wasn’t the case for most people.

Around this time, Dupree came across a question the father of prolific abolitionist organizer Mariame Kaba used to ask her when she was frustrated: “It sounds like this is something you are very upset about. What will you do about it?” That question helped Dupree “channel a lot of despair I was feeling during the pandemic into concrete action,” she told Teen Vogue. And Clean Air Club was born.

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Ventilation Should Be A Larger Focus In Our Fight Against Covid-19

The CDC recently eliminated isolation periods for people ill and likely infectious from Covid. Their Healthcare Infection Control Advisory Committee drafted guidelines weakening infection precautions, particularly regarding masking. Fortunately, after a wave of public criticism, the guidelines were sent back to HICPAC for revision.

People are increasingly left to their own devices to protect themselves against infection. So, what can you do? Mask and improve ventilation. Uniformly, wearing a well-fitting, effective respirator, such as an N95 certified by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health or an elastomeric respirator, is the top recommendation. KF94 masks, the Korean standard, are preferred by many because, while not quite as protective, they use ear loops rather than over-the-head straps and don’t fit as tightly. KN95s meet the Chinese standards, but there were more problems with counterfeiting. Project N95 was a nonprofit I (and many) relied on because they carefully vetted their products. They have maintained a list of previously vetted products on that site, although they are no longer supplying masks.

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Study: Air purifier use at daycare centres cut kids’ sick days by a third

Use of air purifiers at two daycare centres in Helsinki led to a reduction in illnesses and absences among children and staff, according to preliminary findings of a new study led by E3 Pandemic Response.

Air purifiers of various sizes and types were placed in two of the city’s daycare centres during cold and flu seasons.

The initial results from the first year of research are promising, according to researcher Enni Sanmark, from HUS Helsinki University Hospital.

“Children were clearly less sick in daycare centres where air purification devices were used — down by around 30 percent,” Sanmark explained.

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EPA Testing Shows the Power of DIY Air Filters to Trap Viruses

The results are in: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency research testing of do-it-yourself ‘Corsi-Rosenthal Box’ indoor air filters shows they are 99% effective in removing airborne virus. The ‘Owl Force One’ device tested by the EPA was built by UConn Indoor Air Quality Initiative researchers with Middletown, Connecticut public school children.

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Untangling the Electronics in a PC Fan Air Purifier

Building a Corsi-Rosenthal box using PC fans isn’t hard, but many people are intimidated by the electronic components. Fear no more! Read this and you should be able to source and put together the electronics for any PC fan air purifier you want to build.

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Nearly 83% of tested N.B. schools exceeded peak CO2 limits, air quality results show

More than two weeks into the school year, New Brunswick has released the school air quality test results from 2022-23.

Twenty-nine of the 35 public schools tested last winter had peak carbon dioxide levels above the Department of Education’s threshold of 1,500 parts per million (ppm), shown in results posted online and included at the end of this story.

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Universities need to take lead role in providing COVID-safe learning

As a new strain of the virus spreads, regular testing, improved air filtration, masking policies and vaccinations will ensure universities can remain inclusive.

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BC’s first annual clean air festival promotes immunocompromised accessibility

On September 2, BC’s first annual Clean Air Festival occurred at Trout Lake in East Vancouver. The event is supported by Protect Our Province, Safe Schools Coalition BC, Masks4EastVan, and DoNoHarm BC. It promoted an accessible space where immunocompromised individuals can find sanctuary among peers who relate to ongoing concerns around airborne pathogens, like COVID-19, and pollutants that significantly affect air quality.

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Parents call for better air quality in schools to protect against viruses, wildfire smoke

Several grassroots groups of parents, health-care workers and teachers have sprung up across Canada to lobby for safer schools, including improved air quality.

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Air filter hack: Sackville groups put together DIY solution

Several Sackville groups are turning to DIY solutions to keep their spaces as virus-free as possible.

They’re making Corsi–Rosenthal boxes, a homemade air purifier system, designed to filter out airborne droplets that could carry the flu or COVID-19.

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This DIY air purifier costs far less than a HEPA purifier, and studies say it works

This fall, teachers and parents have been sharing photos on social media of do-it-yourself air purifiers that they’ve made for classrooms to help protect kids from COVID-19 transmission.

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Opinion: Better protecting schools from COVID is within reach

Welcome to the “Live with COVID” era, where living with the virus means not talking about it at all. We’ve been told to pretend it’s over, though those “weird summer colds” and “lingering symptoms” indicate otherwise. Rising case rates, hospitalizations, and deaths. Best Summer Ever 2.0 is ending, which means kids are about to return for their third pandemic September.

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Video | How to Build a Corsi-Rosenthal Box

Richard L. Corsi, dean of the UC Davis College of Engineering, explains how to build a Corsi-Rosenthal box. Dr. Corsi is an internationally recognized expert in the field of indoor air quality, with a specific interest in physical and chemical interactions between pollutants and indoor materials. His concept for a low-cost, accessible, and effective air cleaner, the Corsi-Rosenthal box, is now being used as an open-source do-it-yourself approach worldwide for reducing exposure to the SARS-CoV-2 virus, wildfire smoke and more.

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