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Tag: fatigue

Long COVID still has no cure — so these patients are turning to research

When Lisa McCorkell got COVID-19 in March 2020, her symptoms were mild. Her physicians told her to isolate from others and that she would recover in a few weeks. But the weeks stretched into months and McCorkell, who was working on a master’s degree in public policy at the University of California, Berkeley, started having debilitating and bewildering symptoms: fatigue, dizziness and shortness of breath. Previously an avid runner, McCorkell found her heart racing from simple efforts.

She struggled to find an explanation, and soon realized that her physicians didn’t know any more about her condition than she did. To complicate matters, the limited availability of high-quality testing for the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 in the early days of the pandemic left many of her doctors wondering whether her symptoms were really due to COVID-19 at all. “I didn’t have health-care providers that took me seriously,” McCorkell says. “That largely pushed me out of the health-care system.”

McCorkell turned instead to those who were experiencing the same puzzling symptoms and frustrations, joining a support group for people with what would eventually be called long COVID. As they compared notes, McCorkell and a handful of others — many of whom had research experience — realized that the information they were sharing might be helpful not only for those with long COVID, but also for those looking to study the condition. So, they founded a non-profit organization, called the Patient-Led Research Collaborative (PLRC), to design, provide advice on and even fund basic and clinical research into long COVID and other chronic illnesses.

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COVID patients are 4.3 times more likely to develop chronic fatigue, CDC report finds

COVID-19 patients are at least four times more likely to develop chronic fatigue than someone who has not had the virus, a new federal study published Wednesday suggests.

Researchers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) looked at electronic health records from the University of Washington of more than 4,500 patients with confirmed COVID-19 between February 2020 and February 2021.

They were followed for a median of 11.4 months and their health data was compared with the data of more than 9,000 non-COVID-19 patients with similar characteristics.

Fatigue developed in 9% of the COVID patients, the team found. Among COVID-19 patients, the rate of new cases of fatigue was 10.2 per 100 person-years and the rate of new cases of chronic fatigue was 1.8 per 100 person-years.

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Long Covid causes changes in body that make exercise debilitating – study

Many people with long Covid feel tired, unwell and in pain for lengthy periods after exercise, and researchers say they now know why.

Experts say they have evidence that biological changes are to blame, such as severe muscle damage, mitochondrial problems and the presence of microclots in the body.

“It’s really confirming that there is something inside the body going wrong with the disease,” said Dr Rob Wüst, an author of the study at Vrije Universiteit (Free University) Amsterdam.

Long Covid is thought to affect tens of thousands of people in the UK alone, and many experience a worsening of symptoms for weeks after a single bout of exercise.

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Le mystère entourant la COVID longue limite les capacités de traitements

Four years after the first cases of what was later called COVID-19, infections continue to spread and lead to new cases of long COVID. However,…

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Nearly half of COVID survivors in Africa have lingering symptoms, data reveal

A systematic review and meta-analysis estimates a nearly 50% long-COVID rate months after infection in Africa, with psychiatric conditions the most common manifestations.

Published today in Scientific Reports, the February 2023 literature search and analysis involved 25 observational, English language long-COVID studies with 29,213 infected African patients.

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MRI study spotlights impact of long COVID on the brain

A new study comparing magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) images of patients with long COVID, fully recovered COVID-19 survivors, and healthy controls shows microstructural changes in different brain regions in the long-COVID patients. The findings will be presented next week at the annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America.

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‘This isn’t a life’: The crushing burden of Long Covid

Ashleigh was saving up to travel overseas in the near future. Now, she’s housebound at 28, sometimes even bedbound, unable to drive or walk more than a short distance. “My mum has had to take care of me a lot this year, and I feel a bit bad for her experience as well.”

Michael, 32, was a busy Crown prosecutor. Now he’s been disabled for more than 18 months, taking long stretches off work and struggling with his mental health and damaged relationships. “It’s probably the worst thing that’s ever happened to me.”

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Long COVID: The hunt for causes and cures

Hannah Davis misses her old self. Like so many people around the world, she has seen her life upended by long COVID, which has made many once-routine activities impossible. The 32-year-old has stopped working at her job in the field of machine learning and generative models. It’s too cognitively taxing; the lights from display monitors are disorienting. Merely standing up from a sitting position causes her heart rate to shoot to 170 beats per minute, the equivalent of doing a good jog.

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Μακρά Covid-19: Οι θρόμβοι αίματος μπορεί να ευθύνονται για την εγκεφαλική ομίχλη

Blood clots in the brain or lungs may be responsible for certain symptoms of long COVID, including brain fog and fatigue, according to a new British study.

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Existential crisis: how long COVID patients helped us understand what it’s like to lose your sense of identity and purpose in life

This isn’t who I am – I don’t recognise myself. I panic if I get on the Tube and there’s no seat. It’s a very strange feeling, like not being in your own body. My fear is I’ll never really get better, and that I’m always going to be at 70% of my former self.

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Long COVID still worrisome 2 years after infection

Our findings highlight the substantial cumulative burden of health loss due to long COVID and emphasize the ongoing need for health care for those faced with long COVID. It appears that the effects of long COVID for many will not only impact such patients and their quality of life, but potentially will contribute to a decline in life expectancy and also may impact labor participation, economic productivity, and societal well-being.

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Long Covid symptoms create a greater burden of disability than heart disease or cancer, new study shows

People who survived Covid-19 early in the pandemic, before there were vaccines, continued to be at higher risk for a slew of health problems for up to two years after they got over their initial infections, compared to others who didn’t test positive, a new study finds, and that was especially true if they were hospitalized.

These health problems include heart problems, blood clots, diabetes, neurologic complications, fatigue and difficulties with mental health and have come to be known collectively as long Covid.

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Many long-covid symptoms linger even after two years, new study shows

People who endured even mild cases of covid-19 are at heightened risk two years later for lung problems, fatigue, diabetes and certain other health problems typical of long covid, according to a new study that casts fresh light on the virus’s true toll.

The analysis, published Monday in the journal Nature Medicine, is believed to be the first to document the extent to which an array of aftereffects that patients can develop — as part of the diffuse and sometimes debilitating syndrome known as long covid — linger beyond the initial months or year after they survived a coronavirus infection.

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Study: 1 in 6 kids have persistent COVID symptoms for 3 months after infection

It was thought at first that the pediatric population was relatively spared from the long-term effects of COVID-19 after infection. But this changed rapidly with increasing reports and studies of pediatric patients not fully recovering from acute COVID-19.

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Long COVID Is Disabling Kids. Why We Ignore It

Yet we may have disastrously underestimated one of the most serious sequelae: infection of the brain and nervous system. And we may have missed the neurological damage done to children and young adults who seem to have recovered from COVID-19.

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Are repeat COVID infections dangerous? What the science says


April 26, 2023

“People with repeat infections were twice as likely to die and three times as likely to be hospitalized, have heart problems or experience blood clots than were people who were infected only once. In a surprising twist, vaccination status didn’t seem to have an impact — although other studies show vaccines to be protective. Whether these results hold true for the general population is up for debate. The Veterans Affairs cohort was made up mostly of older white men, which is not representative of the wider population.”

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