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Tag: letter to the editor

Cutting wastewater surveillance is short-sighted

Ontario to halt COVID wastewater surveillance program, June 4

The Ontario government’s plan to axe funding for wastewater surveillance is irresponsible. Wastewater monitoring is an essential public health tool that provides insights into the spread of SARS-CoV-2, influenza and other viruses. Without funding, we will lose important information about the prevalence of these significant health concerns.

The timing of the announcement is astonishing. We are faced with an ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, and new hyper-infectious subvariants are spreading rapidly. We will be hindered in providing an early warning system to inform everyone about new subvariants and emerging pandemic threats such as avian flu.

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We must invest in COVID programs

Re: Ottawa Public Health to let go most remaining COVID-19 staff as province ends special pandemic funding, Dec. 3.

I’m deeply disappointed to hear that Ottawa Public Health will be cancelling COVID-19 programs, including immunization services for the general population. The pandemic is not over. According to Statistics Canada, COVID-19 was the third-leading cause of death for Canadians last year.

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Hospitals must keep the masks

Re: Three Ottawa hospitals loosen masking requirements, still require them in clinical areas, May 15.

I’m really disappointed to hear that masks will no longer be required in certain public spaces at the Queensway Carleton, Montfort and Royal hospitals. Preventative medicine is best.

We need universal masking with N95 and FFP3 respirators to reduce the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 and other viruses.

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