Comments closedOur findings highlight the substantial cumulative burden of health loss due to long COVID and emphasize the ongoing need for health care for those faced with long COVID. It appears that the effects of long COVID for many will not only impact such patients and their quality of life, but potentially will contribute to a decline in life expectancy and also may impact labor participation, economic productivity, and societal well-being.
Tag: long COVID
Long Covid symptoms create a greater burden of disability than heart disease or cancer, new study shows
People who survived Covid-19 early in the pandemic, before there were vaccines, continued to be at higher risk for a slew of health problems for up to two years after they got over their initial infections, compared to others who didn’t test positive, a new study finds, and that was especially true if they were hospitalized.
These health problems include heart problems, blood clots, diabetes, neurologic complications, fatigue and difficulties with mental health and have come to be known collectively as long Covid.
Comments closedMany long-covid symptoms linger even after two years, new study shows
People who endured even mild cases of covid-19 are at heightened risk two years later for lung problems, fatigue, diabetes and certain other health problems typical of long covid, according to a new study that casts fresh light on the virus’s true toll.
The analysis, published Monday in the journal Nature Medicine, is believed to be the first to document the extent to which an array of aftereffects that patients can develop — as part of the diffuse and sometimes debilitating syndrome known as long covid — linger beyond the initial months or year after they survived a coronavirus infection.
Comments closedCOVID-19 boosts risks of health problems 2 years later, giant study of veterans says
“In the 3 months postinfection, people who’d had COVID-19 had higher rates of death and many health conditions including heart failure, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, and depression.”
How COVID-19 Changes the Immune System
In a paper published on August 18 in the journal Cell, scientists report that innate immune cells—a critical part of the immune system activated to battle COVID-19—remain altered for at least a year after infection. The finding suggests that these cells may play a role in some of the lingering symptoms associated with Long COVID, although more studies are needed to confirm that connection.
Comments closedPublic health reset urgently required
“A hard public health reset is urgently required in Canada to protect the vulnerable and prevent the healthcare system from being overwhelmed by long COVID patients. Policymakers should immediately implement a pandemic action plan to save lives in the coming weeks and months.”
Comments closedCOVID-19 took a toll on heart health and doctors are still grappling with how to help
Heart attack-caused deaths rose during every virus surge. Worse, young people aren’t supposed to have heart attacks but Cheng’s research documented a nearly 30% increase in heart attack deaths among 25- to 44-year-olds in the pandemic’s first two years.
Comments closedNouvelles études pour traiter la COVID-19 longue
The National Institutes of Health in the United States have begun a series of studies to test possible treatments for long COVID, a step eagerly awaited in the efforts of the United States to fight this mysterious disease that affects millions of people.
Comments closedJohn Snow Project
July 29, 2023
Comments closedFatigue Can Shatter a Person
Everyday tiredness is nothing like the depleting symptom that people with long COVID and ME/CFS experience.
Comments closedA Covid FAQ with 300 Sources
Comments closedCovid is causing waves of brain damage, heart disease, organ failure, and chronic illness. It’s doing this damage in mild and asymptomatic cases. It doesn’t matter how sick you feel or how fast you recover.
Study: 1 in 6 kids have persistent COVID symptoms for 3 months after infection
Comments closedIt was thought at first that the pediatric population was relatively spared from the long-term effects of COVID-19 after infection. But this changed rapidly with increasing reports and studies of pediatric patients not fully recovering from acute COVID-19.
Long COVID Is Disabling Kids. Why We Ignore It
Yet we may have disastrously underestimated one of the most serious sequelae: infection of the brain and nervous system. And we may have missed the neurological damage done to children and young adults who seem to have recovered from COVID-19.
Comments closedVideo | Long COVID: What Do You Need to Know?
What happens if you contract COVID-19 but never fully recover? This is the reality for Long COVID patients, who face a condition that lacks a standard diagnostic test, treatment, and scientific consensus.
Comments closedClosing of Toronto long-COVID rehab program a failure to support patients
A Toronto-based Unity Health Rehabilitation Program for those with long COVID will be shutting down on August 31. The shuttering of the program takes one more virtual option away from those in Ontario with the condition.
Comments closedLong COVID presents ‘unfathomable’ burden as health-care system reaches ‘boiling point’
Dr. Jennifer Hulme thought her COVID-19 infection was just “average.” She recovered in a matter of days and went back to work.
Several weeks later she was incapacitated.
“I woke up completely disabled, profoundly ill (and) completely changed from my previous self,” the Toronto emergency room doctor said.
Comments closedThe Pandemic Has Faded From View. But Many Educators Still Have Long COVID
More than three years after the COVID-19 pandemic shut down schools, one in 20 K-12 educators believe they have long COVID. Another 14 percent think or know they previously had it but eventually recovered.
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