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Tag: memory problems

New studies estimate long-COVID rates, identify risk factors

As new variants continue to emerge and infect people, older adults remain highly vulnerable to long-term health effects from this pathogen. Continued multidisciplinary research is needed to understand and prevent long COVID to reduce morbidity and mortality and maintain quality of life in older adults.

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La COVID longue, un mal invisible (mais bien présent)

The majority of people experience extreme fatigue and many suffer post-stress discomfort, a kind of energy crash. Brain fog, lack of concentration and memory loss are also common symptoms.

Some people develop conditions and syndromes such as postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), characterized by dizziness and palpitations when a person is in a upright position. Others develop dysautonomia, which causes palpitations, pressure rises or falls, dizziness and gastric problems.

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