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Tag: outbreaks

Deux nouveaux cas de rougeole à Montréal, pour un total de 12 au Québec

The Quebec Ministry of Health reports on Thursday two more cases of measles, bringing to 12 the total number of confirmed infections in the province since the beginning of the year.

The Quebec Ministry of Health indicates that since the beginning of the year, two cases of measles have been reported in Laval, north of Montreal, and another in Mauricie–Centre-du-Québec.

The Direction régionale de santé publique de Montréal states that seven cases reported in its territory, including the two new infections, are due to transmission in the community. The other two cases are related to international travel.

The regional agency says it is intensifying its efforts to trace the contacts of infected people.

Authorities said last Monday that the number of cases in Quebec was worrying, noting that measles vaccination rates were sometimes as low as 30% in some schools in Montreal.

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Four provinces confirm measles cases, including rare case in fully vaccinated man

Seventeen cases of measles have been confirmed in Quebec, Ontario, Saskatchewan and British Columbia — more than half of those in the Montreal area, while one Ontario case has been linked to a high school.

Quebec public health director Dr. Luc Boileau confirmed 10 cases on Monday, almost all of them involving children and making Montreal the country’s epicentre. He said only three of the cases were linked to travel outside of the country, indicating community spread in and around the city.

Public Health Ontario confirmed five cases of measles and said all but one involved travel.

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Quebec urges measles vaccination to prevent spread of highly contagious disease

Quebec public health officials are urging people to get themselves and their young children vaccinated for measles, a highly contagious disease that is making a comeback several years after its eradication.

Quebec’s public health director Luc Boileau, Montreal public health director Mylene Drouin, and pediatrician, microbiologist and infectious disease specialist Caroline Quach-Thanh are holding a news conference in Montreal Monday afternoon.

So far about 10 cases have been detected in the province, mainly in Montreal, but Boileau warns that it could be just the beginning.

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1st case of measles reported in B.C. over the weekend: Health Ministry

One case of measles was reported in B.C. over the weekend, the provincial Ministry of Health confirmed in a statement Monday morning.

This weekend’s confirmed case is the first the province has recorded since 2019. As of Feb. 29, nine other cases of the disease have been confirmed across Canada.

B.C.’s Health Ministry announced the case in a statement warning locals to confirm their immunization records, especially before going on spring break trips.

“With measles outbreaks being reported internationally and spring break on the horizon, the provincial health officer, BC Centre for Disease Control and public health officials are reminding people in British Columbia to check their vaccination records before travelling to ensure they are protected,” the statement said.

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Canada’s chief medical officer warns of March break measles risk

Canada’s chief medical officer of health is warning people to make sure they have had two doses of measles vaccine, especially if they are travelling. That message, coming just before the heavy travel period of March break, is urgent this year with cases of measles spiking around the world and vaccination rates lagging, including across Canada.

It is also potentially complicated. Many adults are not aware of their vaccination status, and particularly whether they have had one or two measles vaccines. As well, a growing percentage of the population is without family doctors, making it more difficult to access care.

Measles can cause serious illness and even be deadly. Among potential severe complications are pneumonia, deafness and brain damage caused by inflammation of the brain.

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Senior dies of COVID-19, raising death toll to 11 this year in Waterloo Region

A man in his 70s has died of COVID-19, the regional public health unit announced Friday in a weekly update.

This raises the death toll to 11 this year where the pandemic disease was a main or contributing cause.

Hospitalizations for the disease are stable and relatively low, averaging 13 patients per day on Feb. 17. This compares to a typical day in the pandemic with 27 patients in three local hospitals.

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More than 260 Ontario long-term care residents died after getting COVID-19 in last four months

Respiratory virus outbreaks in Ontario’s long-term care homes remains dominated by COVID-19, with nearly 16,000 cases of the virus reported in the last four months.

According to a newly released report by Public Health Ontario, there have been 850 confirmed outbreaks in long-term care homes since Aug. 27, 2023.

This is compared to 32 influenza outbreaks and 32 Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) outbreaks.

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COVID-19 outbreaks on the rise in Waterloo Region

The number of active COVID-19 outbreaks in high-risk settings increased by more than 50 per cent this past week, according to the Waterloo Region public health unit’s weekly dashboard update.

There are 15 outbreaks in high-risk settings — up from seven last week — including two in congregate settings, such as group homes or shelters, one in hospital and 12 in long-term care/retirement homes.

One new death was reported. So far this year, COVID-19 has been a direct or contributing cause in 41 deaths reported by public health in the region.

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COVID-19 kills 2 more in N.B., hospitalizations and nursing home outbreaks jump

New Brunswick reported two more deaths from COVID-19, a week-over-week jump in hospitalizations and nursing home outbreaks because of the virus, and an increase in flu cases and hospitalizations Tuesday.

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COVID outbreak declared on fifth floor of Nanaimo hospital

An outbreak of COVID-19 has been declared on the fifth floor of Nanaimo Regional General Hospital.

As of Thursday, a total of 10 hospital-acquired cases had been attributed to the outbreak. All patients are experiencing mild illness, an Island Health official said.

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Révision des mesures au sujet du port des masques à l’hôpital Dumont

The Vitalité Health Network said on Friday that the population should now wear a mask in the environment of direct patient care at the Centre…

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Ottawa Public Health to let go most remaining COVID-19 staff as province ends special pandemic funding

Ottawa Public Health will let go most of its remaining COVID-19 staff by the end of the year as the province stops directly reimbursing most costs related to the pandemic.

OPH will continue offering vaccines to the most vulnerable, including long-term care residents and recent immigrants, but will wrap up broader COVID-19 efforts by the end of March.

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24 Nova Scotia long-term care homes currently dealing with COVID-19 outbreaks

There are currently two dozen COVID-19 outbreaks reported at long-term care homes across Nova Scotia, and some health-care officials are concerned about a lack of COVID protocols.

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COVID-19 outbreak aboard Canadian warship forces cancellation of Great Lakes tour

An outbreak of COVID-19 aboard a Canadian warship has forced the Royal Canadian Navy to cancel the remainder of a tour of the Great Lakes and the St. Lawrence Seaway.

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Masking requirements increase in all areas of Stevenson Memorial Hospital

Masking requirements are increasing at Stevenson Memorial Hospital (SMH) starting on Monday in all areas of the facility, including hallways and shared spaces.

The hospital’s website cites rising COVID-19 cases, including outbreaks at health care and seniors’ facilities as the reason behind the change.

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COVID-19: Peterborough area risk index remains high; 2 outbreaks at PRHC

For the fourth week in a row, the community risk index for COVID-19 for the Peterborough, Ont., region remains at a high level, public health officials report.

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