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Tag: Quebec

Début des audiences pour une demande d’autorisation d’action collective

A Superior Court of Quebec judge has begun to hear the application for authorization of a class action on behalf of all residents of public long-term care homes (LTCH) who have experienced COVID-19 outbreaks during the first two waves of the pandemic.

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Class-action lawsuit application for COVID-19 response in long-term care homes begins in Quebec

A Quebec Superior Court judge is being asked to authorize a class-action lawsuit on behalf of all residents of public long-term care homes that experienced COVID-19 outbreaks during the pandemic’s first two waves.

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Le nombre de cas de COVID-19 dans les hôpitaux a triplé en un mois au Québec

The number of people infected with COVID-19 staying in Quebec hospitals has tripled in the past month, Health Minister Christian Dubé reported on Friday morning.

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Brace for an increase in COVID-19 cases this fall: Dubé

The number of COVID-19 cases has tripled in three weeks and could rise to as many as 2,000 to 3,000 per day in the fall, Health Minister Christian Dubé said Friday, reminding Quebecers that vaccination is still their best option.

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Un médicament québécois démontre son efficacité contre la COVID-19

A cocktail of antibodies developed by the Quebec company Immune Biosolutions has proven its effectiveness in relieving respiratory symptoms caused by COVID-19 in the acute phase of the disease.

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La vague estivale gagne les hôpitaux québécois

The summer wave of COVID-19 is being felt in Quebec hospitals, where there are nearly 560 patients who have contracted the virus, an increase of 30% over a week. The Legault government is not overly concerned, but will monitor the situation closely, especially the spread of the Eris variant.

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Les tests de dépistage de la COVID-19 ne seront plus gratuits au Québec

As of Monday, in Quebec, rapid tests will no longer be offered free of charge to everyone in pharmacies. Only people deemed at high risk of complications and citizens who receive free drugs, according to the public pharmacare system, will have free access to these COVID-19 tests.

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Le CIUSSS ouvre une clinique virtuelle pour les patients atteints de COVID longue

It is the turn of Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean to be entitled to its clinic to treat people with long COVID. The disease is still poorly understood, but…

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« On n’a pas d’aide » : des gens atteints par la COVID longue désemparés

Long COVID threatens about 10% of Quebecers who contract the virus, leaving patients helpless and the few clinics overwhelmed. Although vaccination reduces the risks, they are still present.

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Residents abandoned to a violent occupation during ‘Freedom Convoy’: Report

People who live and work in downtown Ottawa endured several weeks of widespread human rights abuse, amidst a climate of threats, fear, sexual harassment and intimidation marked by racism, misogyny, antisemitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, and other expressions of hate and intolerance.

While convoy organizers claimed there was diversity among the participants and supporters, and that was true to a limited extent, it is clear that the overwhelming majority of people involved in the protests were white males.

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Long COVID is ‘not rare’ and can develop after mild illness, says Montreal specialist

The Quebec government is setting up 15 clinics across the province to treat people with long COVID and Lyme disease. The first one to open in Montreal is located at the Jewish General Hospital.

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Une nouvelle clinique visant la COVID longue et la maladie de Lyme chronique à Montréal

A clinic dedicated to people with long COVID or persistent symptoms of Lyme disease has just opened at the Jewish General Hospital in Montreal. This reference centre, which will combine clinical and research on these two syndromes still poorly understood, is one of the 15 clinics announced last May by the Ministry of Health and Social Services (MSSS).

“Although we do not yet have a very good understanding of the pathophysiology of these two diseases, we know that both of them sometimes cause long-term sequelae that persist even though the infection seems to have disappeared from the organism,” explains Dr Leighanne Parkes, microbiolgist-infectiologist at this new clinic.

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Jewish General Hospital opens long-COVID and Lyme disease clinic

The CIUSSS West-Central Montreal regional health authority announced the opening of a clinic for patients with persistent symptoms of COVID-19 and Lyme disease at the Jewish General Hospital on Monday.

“Although most of the people who get COVID-19 recover within a few weeks, some — even those who had mild versions of the disease — might have symptoms that last a long time afterward,” Dr. Karl Weiss, chief of the Jewish General Hospital’s division of infectious diseases, noted in a statement. “These symptoms can be disabling, making it difficult to perform daily activities or to return to work or school. They may vary in intensity from day to day, and over time.

“Research and knowledge about treating this illness known as long-COVID syndrome is emerging and rapidly evolving. Our goal in establishing the referral centre is to provide patients with leading-edge care, while improving our understanding of the disease.”

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