COVID-19 is costing the Australian economy billions in lost worker productivity and healthcare spending.
Comments closedTag: SARS-CoV-2
Not ‘little adults’: Experts say long COVID undercounted, misdiagnosed in kids
Comments closedKids don’t come home and say, ‘Mom, I have postexertional malaise, I have brain fog.’ What happens is that they start doing poorly in school, and parents find out weeks and weeks later.
N.S. Health reinstates mandatory masking to enter its facilities
Nova Scotia Health is once again making masks mandatory to enter its facilities, the organization said Tuesday.
Comments closedCovid-19 vaccines prevented 16,000 deaths in Ireland, study says
Ireland’s Covid-19 vaccination programme prevented 16,000 deaths and hugely reduced hospital and intensive care admissions, according to a Health Service Executive study.
Comments closedFlorida settles lawsuit over COVID data, agrees to provide weekly stats to the public
Florida will have to provide COVID-19 data to the public again after a former Democratic state representative settled a lawsuit with Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis’ administration over the decision two years ago to stop posting information on the virus’ spread online.
Comments closedShe used to call herself an antivaxxer. Now, she’s a student nurse — who just gave her first vaccine
When COVID-19 put vaccine safety into the spotlight, Lydia Greene re-examined her past beliefs — and now hopes she can help others do the same.
Comments closedRadio: Who is “still coviding”?
Cases of COVID-19 are on the rise across Canada. The long expected fall wave has people reacting in different ways, with some choosing to carry on as usual, while others are starting to take more precautions. But throughout the pandemic there’s always been a cohort of people who prefer to mask whenever possible. CBC’s Blair Sanderson has a look at how those individuals help each other find businesses and other organizations that cater to their needs.
Comments closedAppointments for new Moderna COVID-19 vaccine now available in N.S.
Appointments are now available in Nova Scotia for a new monovalent Moderna COVID-19 vaccine, which the provincial government says provides the best protection against the latest strain of the virus.
Comments closedMasking returns to Windsor Regional Hospital, Erie Shores HealthCare
With the influenza and COVID-19 viruses expected to ramp up in the second half of October, Windsor Regional Hospital and Erie Shores HealthCare are returning to modified mandatory masking in their facilities.
Comments closedNew Zealand Covid response saved 20,000 lives, study says
Government’s strategy, which included closing the border, meant death rate was 80% lower than in the US, according to the New Zealand Medical Journal.
Comments closedB.C. COVID-19 hospitalizations reach their highest level in 2023 so far
On Thursday, in its first update of October, the BCCDC reported 422 people in hospital with the coronavirus – more than quintuple the August total, and the highest figure reported all year.
Comments closedB.C. COVID-19 hospitalizations up 58 per cent in two weeks, as infections, deaths also spike
COVID-19 cases are on the rise in British Columbia, with the BC Centre for Disease Control reporting hospitalizations have increased 58 per cent in the past two weeks.
Comments closedMask mandates are returning to some hospitals. Should they be there to stay?
Some doctors are calling for more preventative measures to protect vulnerable patients in medical settings.
Comments closedVaccine Scientist Warns Antiscience Conspiracies Have Become a Deadly, Organized Movement
Vaccinologist Peter Hotez explains how the movement to oppose science and scientists has gained power.
Comments closedNovavax touts non-mRNA COVID-19 vaccine, hopeful to meet domestic production deadline
The last remaining manufacturer to offer an alternative to mRNA COVID-19 vaccines in Canada is hopeful it will meet the government’s 2024 deadline to make the shots domestically.
Comments closedNovavax espère toujours fabriquer un vaccin contre la COVID-19 au Canada
The last manufacturer to offer an alternative to COVID-19 mRNA vaccines in Canada hopes to meet the government’s 2024 deadline for domestic dose production.
Novavax, based in Maryland, USA, held a press conference on Wednesday to tout the safety and efficacy of its new vaccine, which targets newer strains of COVID-19.
Comments closedCOVID-19 outbreak declared at Victoria hospital
Health authorities have declared a COVID-19 outbreak at Victoria General Hospital after 11 patients were found to have contracted the illness on an acute-care ward.
Comments closedCHEO extending masking requirements in advance of viral season
CHEO is extending mandatory masking requirements to all areas of the hospital where one metre distance cannot be maintained and introducing visitor restrictions, as the children’s hospital prepares for the viral season.
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