Comments closedWith this test, there are no nasal swabs and no waiting 15 minutes for results, as with home tests. A person simply blows into a tube in the device, and an electrochemical biosensor detects whether the virus is there. Results are available in about a minute.
Tag: SARS-CoV-2
Nouvelles études pour traiter la COVID-19 longue
The National Institutes of Health in the United States have begun a series of studies to test possible treatments for long COVID, a step eagerly awaited in the efforts of the United States to fight this mysterious disease that affects millions of people.
Comments closedJohn Snow Project
July 29, 2023
Comments closedCTV News / The Associated Press
July 29, 2023
Comments closedWhat’s the future of wastewater testing for COVID‑19?
Wastewater surveillance became an important tool for detecting COVID-19 outbreaks in communities throughout the pandemic, and it continues to be used in search for coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 as well as other pathogens.
But it’s unclear whether current levels of government funding to monitor wastewater for SARS-CoV-2 will continue beyond next year. Experts are calling on the federal government to create a standardized system for wastewater surveillance to bolster and replace the patchwork being used today.
Comments closedHospital-acquired COVID infections worsened as the pandemic progressed, research finds
The chances of becoming infected with COVID-19 while hospitalized increased as the pandemic progressed, according to recent Canadian research.
In fact, significantly more Canadians became infected with hospital-acquired COVID-19 during the fifth and sixth waves of the pandemic — the first two Omicron waves from late 2021 until the spring of 2022 — than during earlier waves, according to the study published in the journal JAMA Network Open. Researchers looked at cases of patients hospitalized with COVID-19 between March 2020 and May 2022.
Comments closedFatigue Can Shatter a Person
Everyday tiredness is nothing like the depleting symptom that people with long COVID and ME/CFS experience.
Comments closedB.C. woman sentenced to 18 months probation for coughing at grocery employee during pandemic
A British Columbia judge has sentenced a Vancouver Island woman to 18 months of probation for deliberately coughing in the face of a grocery store employee and shoving her shopping cart into another worker during the earliest days of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Comments closedA Covid FAQ with 300 Sources
Comments closedCovid is causing waves of brain damage, heart disease, organ failure, and chronic illness. It’s doing this damage in mild and asymptomatic cases. It doesn’t matter how sick you feel or how fast you recover.
Study: 1 in 6 kids have persistent COVID symptoms for 3 months after infection
Comments closedIt was thought at first that the pediatric population was relatively spared from the long-term effects of COVID-19 after infection. But this changed rapidly with increasing reports and studies of pediatric patients not fully recovering from acute COVID-19.
Long COVID Is Disabling Kids. Why We Ignore It
Yet we may have disastrously underestimated one of the most serious sequelae: infection of the brain and nervous system. And we may have missed the neurological damage done to children and young adults who seem to have recovered from COVID-19.
Comments closedA Patient’s Right to Masked Health Care Providers
In May 2023, Mass General Brigham instructed its patients that they “cannot ask staff members to wear a mask because our policies no longer require it.”
Following patient protests, the hospital updated its policies with an imperfect fix, announcing that “patients can ask, but providers determine when and if masking in a particular situation is clinically necessary.”
Comments closedVideo | Long COVID: What Do You Need to Know?
What happens if you contract COVID-19 but never fully recover? This is the reality for Long COVID patients, who face a condition that lacks a standard diagnostic test, treatment, and scientific consensus.
Comments closedLe Soleil / Agence France-Presse
July 19, 2023
« Les personnes porteuses d’un variant génétique particulier ont deux fois plus de chance de ne pas tomber malades lorsqu’elles contractent la COVID-19, indique mercredi une étude publiée dans la revue Nature. »
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