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Tag: SARS-CoV-2

CAMH study confirms ongoing brain inflammation associated with long COVID

A new Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) study found elevated levels of inflammation in the brains of patients who report persistent symptoms of long COVID.

Using advanced brain scanning with positron emission tomography (PET), the researchers found elevated levels of the protein TSPO, a brain marker of inflammation, in patients with onset of depression within several months after a COVID-19 infection.

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Une clinique virtuelle pour aider les malades de la COVID longue en Outaouais

he Centre intégré de santé et de services sociaux (CISSS) de l’Outaouais announced on Wednesday the opening of a satellite clinic for the rehabilitation of post-infectious syndrome to long COVID.

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Auditor general: GN may have wasted up to 31 per cent of COVID‑19 vaccines

Nunavut’s Health Department may have wasted one-third of its COVID-19 vaccines, according to a report presented Tuesday to the Nunavut legislative assembly by Canada’s auditor general Karen Hogan.

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After N.B.’s deadliest year, COVID-related strokes and heart attacks are in the spotlight

Infection control epidemiologist Colin Furness said rising deaths from heart attacks and strokes increasingly appear to be related to damage caused by COVID-19 infections.

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Hospitals must keep the masks

Re: Three Ottawa hospitals loosen masking requirements, still require them in clinical areas, May 15.

I’m really disappointed to hear that masks will no longer be required in certain public spaces at the Queensway Carleton, Montfort and Royal hospitals. Preventative medicine is best.

We need universal masking with N95 and FFP3 respirators to reduce the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 and other viruses.

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DoNoHarm BC protests the removal of mandatory masks in healthcare settings

All COVID-19 patients (including vaccinated adults and children) are potentially at risk of long-term health damage or death, though some groups are disproportionately affected. These risks multiply with each reinfection.

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Les tests de dépistage de la COVID-19 ne seront plus gratuits au Québec

As of Monday, in Quebec, rapid tests will no longer be offered free of charge to everyone in pharmacies. Only people deemed at high risk of complications and citizens who receive free drugs, according to the public pharmacare system, will have free access to these COVID-19 tests.

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Astronomy Tool Can Now Detect COVID in Breath

Researchers are investigating a promising technique that may be used to check for the presence of SARS-CoV-2. A frequency comb involves the use of lasers to look for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that are associated with COVID infections.

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Masks Work. Distorting Science to Dispute the Evidence Doesn’t

Masks work. Especially respirator-style N95 masks.

Amid an ongoing pandemic and outbreaks of influenza and RSV caused by airborne viruses, arguing over the virus-blocking power of masks remains one of the COVID era’s signature follies. Disconcertingly, despite decades of evidence of their efficacy, some of the disagreement comes from a few in the medical field itself, misusing science and endangering lives.

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Rapid Progression of Dementia Following COVID-19

In a new study, researchers examined the cognitive impacts of COVID-19 on people with dementia. They found that having COVID-19 rapidly accelerated the structural and functional brain deterioration of patients with dementia, regardless of the type of dementia being experienced.

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DoNoHarm BC to stage a die-in protesting end of hospital mask mandate

Getting rid of masking means I can’t safely get the care I need. I need regular follow-up care, and because I’m immunocompromised, getting Covid in hospital is a massive risk… Right now, one of my greatest health risks is accessing medical care.

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Are repeat COVID infections dangerous? What the science says


April 26, 2023

“People with repeat infections were twice as likely to die and three times as likely to be hospitalized, have heart problems or experience blood clots than were people who were infected only once. In a surprising twist, vaccination status didn’t seem to have an impact — although other studies show vaccines to be protective. Whether these results hold true for the general population is up for debate. The Veterans Affairs cohort was made up mostly of older white men, which is not representative of the wider population.”

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Opinion: Why hospitals should keep mandatory masking

Masks unequivocally mitigate the spread of airborne pathogens. When the havoc being wreaked by COVID is still rampant, it is dumbfounding why universal mandatory masking would be removed in health-care settings — especially acute-care hospitals filled with the vulnerable sick, the immunocompromised, and those with significant pre-existing illness.

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The N.L. government has been downplaying COVID-19 deaths for months

Newfoundland and Labrador’s online COVID-19 data hub doesn’t always accurately reflect how many people have died of the virus, according to data collected by CBC News.

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