B.C.’s human rights commissioner is criticizing provincial health officials for ending mask mandates in health-care settings, saying it puts the most vulnerable and marginalized people at risk.
Comments closedTag: SARS-CoV-2
Mask use in Japan at 86% despite eased guidelines, AI analysis finds
About 86% of people are still wearing masks in public a month after Japan’s guidelines were eased, according to an artificial intelligence system developed by broadcaster NTV surveying people at Tokyo Station.
Comments closedCovid infection could speed up progression of dementia, new study finds
A new study, published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease Reports, has discovered that infection with SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes Covid) has a significant impact on cognitive function in patients with pre-existing dementia.
Comments closedLe CIUSSS ouvre une clinique virtuelle pour les patients atteints de COVID longue
It is the turn of Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean to be entitled to its clinic to treat people with long COVID. The disease is still poorly understood, but…
Comments closedSe battre contre la COVID longue et Retraite Québec
Comments closedWhy can’t I get that help? Why can’t you just give me a little breathing room? I have to fight so many battles already. My daily life is full of fights.
Over 10% of children in Japan with COVID-related brain disease died, survey finds
More than 10% of children in Japan who developed acute brain syndrome after infection with COVID-19 have died, results of a nationwide survey recently announced by a health ministry research team has shown.
The survey identified 34 cases of acute encephalopathy associated with COVID-19 infection among those under 18 between January 2020 and May 2022. The team analyzed 31 patients who did not have any underlying illnesses that could be responsible for causing the brain disease.
Comments closedGNWT completes climbdown over Covid-19 leave
The NWT government has ended a rule limiting employees to five days of Covid-19 leave per year, effectively completing a climbdown in a dispute over the measure.
Comments closedBoard of health calls for Ontario to upgrade to building code ventilation standards
An Ontario board of health is asking the province to amend the building code to mandate higher standards for ventilation, in light of the spread of COVID-19.
Comments closedBeyond the pandemic: Long COVID emerges as a silent crisis
Comments closed[I]t appears that, regardless of gender and other demographic factors, COVID-19 infection at baseline is correlated with increased problems with emotion regulation six months later: depression, anxiety and agitation.
Les dommages de trois ans de pandémie sur les maladies cardiaques
Comments closedWe now know that an infection can trigger several heart diseases. There is a clear expectation in the coming years that consultations for various cardiovascular conditions will increase
Long COVID: 3 years in
March 11 marks 3 years since WHO declared COVID-19 to be a pandemic. While the world is determined to move on from the acute phase, at least 65 million people are estimated to struggle with long COVID, a debilitating post-infection multisystem condition with common symptoms of fatigue, shortness of breath, and cognitive dysfunction, impairing their ability to perform daily activities for several months or years. Although the majority of patients infected with SARS-CoV-2 recover within a few weeks, long COVID is estimated to occur in 10–20% of cases and affects people of all ages, including children, with most cases occurring in patients with mild acute illness. The consequence is widespread global harm to people’s health, wellbeing, and livelihoods—an estimated one in ten people who develop long COVID stop working, resulting in extensive economic losses.
Comments closedNova Scotia reaches 800 deaths on quiet COVID anniversary
Nova Scotia’s very first cases of COVID-19 were announced Sunday, March 15, 2020. The province’s newest weekly disease numbers were released at the data dashboard Thursday, March 9, 2023, making it the last pandemic report before the three-year COVID anniversary.
Comments closed« On n’a pas d’aide » : des gens atteints par la COVID longue désemparés
Long COVID threatens about 10% of Quebecers who contract the virus, leaving patients helpless and the few clinics overwhelmed. Although vaccination reduces the risks, they are still present.
Comments closedLong COVID linked to lower brain oxygen levels, cognitive problems and psychiatric symptoms
Comments closedWe are the first to show reduced oxygen uptake in the brain during a cognitive task in the months following a symptomatic COVID-19 infection. This is important because a lack of sufficient oxygen supply is thought to be one of the mechanisms by which COVID-19 may cause cognitive impairment.
Don’t believe those who claim science proves masks don’t work
Masks have played a key role in keeping us all safe throughout the Covid-19 pandemic. At the start, masks helped flatten the curve to protect our hospital systems, and since, masks have helped make public spaces and essential services more open and accessible to everyone. Many studies show that masks work, and they work best when everyone wears a high-quality one to protect each other. Masks are magnificent.
Comments closedUne médecin de l’Outaouais atteinte de COVID longue raconte comment sa vie a basculé
Mélanie Lacasse has a heart that beats much too fast when she makes the least physical effort. This family doctor from Gatineau, suffering from the post-COVID-19 syndrome, called long COVID, had to learn to reinvent herself and change her lifestyle. A situation all the more difficult because it affects her profession considerably.
Κορωνοϊός: Οι περισσότεροι ασθενείς με long Covid εμφανίζουν βλάβες οργάνων ένα χρόνο μετά
More than half of patients with long Covid suffer from organ damage a year after the initial symptoms, new research suggests.
Even those who were not seriously ill when diagnosed with the virus report problems, with extreme difficulty breathing and cognitive impairment among the persistent symptoms.
The study, the results of which were published in the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, involved 536 people.
Six months after their initial diagnosis with coronavirus, the patients underwent an MRI scan which revealed ongoing health problems, with 62% of participants suffering from organ damage.
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