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Novavax now! We need access to the Novavax COVID-19 vaccine!

📣 Let PHAC and health ministers know you want timely access to the Novavax COVID-19 vaccine this fall

✉️ Send letters to PHAC and health ministers to voice your support for access to the Novavax COVID-19 vaccine this fall. Use our online tool to send emails.

Why take action? Concerns are mounting over reports that Canadians will not have access to the Novavax JN.1 COVID-19 vaccine this fall. The FDA approved the Novavax JN.1 COVID-19 vaccine. Why is the Novavax COVID-19 vaccine no longer going to be available to Canadians?

A lack of timely access to the Novavax vaccine in Canada would go against the advice of scientific experts, including the “Guidance on the use of COVID-19 vaccines during the fall of 2024” by Canada’s National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI). In that guidance, NACI noted that the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are not superior to the Novavax vaccine. It also noted that a lack of access to the Novavax vaccine — the only protein-based COVID-19 vaccine in Canada — could negatively affect COVID-19 vaccine uptake.

People across Canada, including many Canadians with disabilities and immunocompromised Canadians, rely on Novavax’s protein-based vaccine as it reduces the risk of adverse side effects to which they are disproportionately vulnerable. This includes people who have medical contraindications to the mRNA vaccines, for whom the Novavax vaccine is the only COVID-19 vaccine option.

Please take a moment to voice your support for continued access to Novavax vaccines in Canada!

  1. Make sure your email application is active (e.g. Mail or Thunderbird).
  2. Click a button in the contact list below. It will create a message using the message template.
  3. Customize your message. Don’t forget to add your name and email address, and modify the wording of the message if you like.
  4. Click the send button in your email software.
  5. Repeat — click the button for the next person in the list. It’s easy to go through the list, and send emails to PHAC and the health ministers. (⏰ Time: about 1-2 minutes).

Note: For best results, use an iPhone or another smartphone. If a message isn’t created when you click or tap a button, you can try using a different device. This won’t work with obsolete browsers such as Internet Explorer; use Firefox or Safari instead. Issues with Microsoft Outlook have been reported.

We need access to COVID-19 vaccine options

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  • Mark Holland, Minister of Health,
  • Dr. Theresa Tam, Chief Public Health Officer,
  • Heather Jeffrey, President, PHAC,
  • Dr. Supriya Sharma, Chief Medical Advisor, Health Canada,
  • Jean-Yves Duclos, Minister of Public Services and Procurement,

Subject: Novavax now — we need timely access to the Novavax COVID-19 vaccine!

Message template:

I am deeply concerned about reports that Canadians will not have access to the Novavax JN.1 COVID-19 vaccine this fall. Novavax is a world-leading protein-based COVID-19 vaccine that has been available to Canadians for years. The FDA approved the Novavax JN.1 COVID-19 vaccine. Why is the Novavax COVID-19 vaccine no longer going to be available to Canadians?

According to Canada’s National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI), the mRNA-based vaccines (Pfizer and Moderna) are not superior to the Novavax protein-based vaccine. Lack of access to the Novavax vaccine — the only protein-based COVID-19 vaccine in Canada — could negatively affect vaccine uptake this fall.[1] Also, as noted by epidemiologist Daniel Park, there is “excellent broad cross‑neutralization to variants with the upcoming JN.1 Novavax COVID vaccine, including some of the best responses to variants that are likely to be dominant this late fall and early winter”.[2]

People across Canada, including many Canadians with disabilities and immunocompromised Canadians, rely on the Novavax COVID-19 vaccine. This includes people who have medical contraindications to the mRNA vaccines, for whom the Novavax vaccine is the only COVID-19 vaccine option.

This is a safety and equity issue for Canadians — an issue that requires leadership on your part. Please ensure Canadians can access the Novavax COVID-19 vaccine this fall.

Notes: [1] National Advisory Committee on Immunization. “Guidance on the use of COVID-19 vaccines during the fall of 2024”. [2] Daniel Park (Epidemiologist):


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