The In-N-Out burger chain will bar employees in five states from wearing masks unless they have a doctor’s note, according to internal company emails leaked on social media.
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Calgary doctor to challenge AHS mask policy change in court
Comments closedYou can’t be putting the responsibility for basic measures to protect people with disabilities and chronic disease… on them when a very minor, reasonable, easy-to-do accommodation can be just kept in place.
End of health-care mask mandates puts vulnerable at risk: B.C. human rights commissioner
B.C.’s human rights commissioner is criticizing provincial health officials for ending mask mandates in health-care settings, saying it puts the most vulnerable and marginalized people at risk.
Comments closedSe battre contre la COVID longue et Retraite Québec
Comments closedWhy can’t I get that help? Why can’t you just give me a little breathing room? I have to fight so many battles already. My daily life is full of fights.
How COVID Truthers Breathed New Life Into an Antisemitic Symbol
The widespread appropriation by COVID truthers of the yellow star that the Nazis forced Jews to wear is a sign that public displays of antisemitism have become normalised in modern Germany to an unthinkable degree, experts say.
Comments closedWearing a mask is an equity issue
You cannot claim you care about equity, accessibility, or disabled people if you aren’t helping to create safe spaces for everyone — this includes the basic practice of masking.
Comments closedHuman rights complaint filed against B.C. health-care authority over N95 respirator ban
A class complaint has been filed at the B.C. Human Rights Tribunal against a regional health-care authority over their policy prohibiting hospital patients and visitors from using N95 respirators.
The complaint was filed by Vancouver resident Lena Patsa on Wednesday against Fraser Health, the province’s largest health-care authority by population.
Comments closedAlmonte hospital workers file grievance to access N95 masks
One of the country’s top arbitrators has been asked to settle a pandemic-related grievance filed by Almonte General Hospital health care workers, who want N95 respirators made available to them.
The hospital now issues N95 masks only to staff involved in aerosol-generating medical procedures, such as intubations.
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