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Tag: SARS-CoV-2

COVID: la génétique pourrait expliquer pourquoi certains sont asymptomatiques

Le Soleil / Agence France-Presse

July 19, 2023

« Les personnes porteuses d’un variant génétique particulier ont deux fois plus de chance de ne pas tomber malades lorsqu’elles contractent la COVID-19, indique mercredi une étude publiée dans la revue Nature. »

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Masks are out at In-N-Out after burger chain bans employees from wearing them in 5 states

The In-N-Out burger chain will bar employees in five states from wearing masks unless they have a doctor’s note, according to internal company emails leaked on social media.

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Closing of Toronto long-COVID rehab program a failure to support patients

A Toronto-based Unity Health Rehabilitation Program for those with long COVID will be shutting down on August 31. The shuttering of the program takes one more virtual option away from those in Ontario with the condition.

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Long COVID presents ‘unfathomable’ burden as health-care system reaches ‘boiling point’

Dr. Jennifer Hulme thought her COVID-19 infection was just “average.” She recovered in a matter of days and went back to work.

Several weeks later she was incapacitated.

“I woke up completely disabled, profoundly ill (and) completely changed from my previous self,” the Toronto emergency room doctor said.

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Scientists Are Just Beginning to Understand COVID-19’s Effect On the Brain


July 17, 2023

The list of neurocognitive issues that Meropol’s team and other researchers must track is extensive: cognitive decline, changes in brain size and structure, depression and suicidal thinking, tremors, seizures, memory loss, and new or worsened dementia have all been linked to previous SARS-CoV-2 infections. In some cases, these longer-term problems occur even in patients with relatively mild COVID-19.

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Column: RFK Jr. gets around to blaming the Jews

It has been well noted that, whatever their starting points, conspiracy theorists sooner or later get around to blaming the Jews.

During a press dinner in New York last week, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who is hoping to convert his portfolio of chuckleheaded conspiracy theories about COVID-19 and all sorts of other things into the semblance of a presidential campaign, went there last week.

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EU Parliament adopts report on lessons to be learned from COVID‑19

EU lawmakers approved a report on lessons to take from COVID-19 on Wednesday (12 July). The text analysed the impact of the pandemic, evaluated EU and national health systems’ responses and set a roadmap for future health emergencies.

The European Parliament adopted the report “COVID-19 pandemic: Lessons learned and recommendations for the future” by 385 votes in favour, 193 against and 63 abstentions.

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Updated COVID-19 vaccines recommended for fall boosters, Canada’s vaccine advisers say

The country’s national vaccine advisers are recommending Canadians get another COVID-19 booster shot this fall, with updated vaccines expected in the months ahead.

The next round of vaccines will likely be monovalent — meaning they will specifically target the Omicron family of sub-lineages that are still circulating globally, the National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI) said Tuesday.

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Vaccination in pregnancy greatly reduces risk of severe illness and death from COVID-19, and protects babies up to 6 months after birth

“Hundreds of studies from around the world have consistently shown that a COVID-19 infection in pregnancy carries significantly higher risk for admission to intensive care units (ICU), invasive ventilation, preeclampsia and death, compared to other COVID-19 patients.”

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