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Tag: Statistics Canada

There’s a gaping hole in Canada’s COVID tracking

The Government of Canada’s website tracks the number of hospitalizations and deaths from acute COVID-19. What it fails to include are the hospitalizations and deaths that result from COVID’s longer-term health consequences.

Even mild cases carry risk, but COVID most frequently wallops people after severe cases, especially when hospitalized. Of the nearly 300,000 Canadians hospitalized so far, over half likely have — or will — suffer life-changing health consequences, sometimes years after having recovered from the acute illness. These risks climb with repeated infections.

Hospitalizations and deaths from COVID-19 are often delayed. Like high blood pressure, SARS CoV-2 can gradually damage the inner lining of blood vessels. This by itself, is painless. While it happens to people following mild cases of COVID, it’s far more likely after severe ones, especially after hospitalization. This doubles the downstream risk of having a heart attack, stroke or blood clot in the lung. It triples the risk of developing an abnormal heart rhythm, including atrial fibrillation.

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Sudbury researcher disappointed Ontario ends COVID-19 wastewater surveillance

A researcher in Sudbury, Ont., says he’s disappointed the province is ending its wastewater surveillance program to track COVID-19 and other viruses in municipal systems.

“I would be lying if I said that I don’t feel sad to let the people go,” said Gustavo Ybazeta, a researcher at the Health Sciences North Research Institute.

Ybazeta said six people work at the lab, testing local wastewater for COVID-19 and other viruses like influenza and even sexually transmitted diseases like gonorrhea and chlamydia.

While they will continue to conduct research on ways to monitor for viruses in wastewater, losing the surveillance program means at least half of those scientists will lose their jobs, he says.

Ybazeta said there are a dozen labs across Ontario that face the same fate.

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Le mystère entourant la COVID longue limite les capacités de traitements

Four years after the first cases of what was later called COVID-19, infections continue to spread and lead to new cases of long COVID. However,…

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Un adulte canadien sur neuf a eu des symptômes de la COVID longue

About one in nine Canadian adults developed long-term symptoms after contracting COVID-19, according to a new Statistics Canada report.

This represents 3.5 million Canadians, according to the federal agency’s report published on Friday.

Nearly 80% of people with long-term symptoms of COVID-19 have been suffering from it for six months or more, the report says, including 42% for a year or more.

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1 in 9 Canadians have had ‘long COVID’: StatCan

About one in nine Canadian adults have had long-term symptoms from COVID-19 infection, according to a Statistics Canada report issued Friday.

That amounts to 3.5 million Canadians, it said.

Almost 80 per cent of those people with long-term symptoms have them for six months or more, the report said.

In addition, more than half of those who ever had long-term symptoms still had them as of June 2023.

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1 in 9 Canadian adults have had long-term symptoms from COVID infection: StatCan

Statistics Canada says about one in nine Canadian adults have had long-term symptoms from COVID-19 infection.

The report released today says that amounts to 3.5 million Canadians.

Symptoms are defined as long-term if they persist for three months or longer after a COVID-19 infection and they can’t be explained by anything else.

Almost 80 per cent of people with long-term symptoms have them for six months or more.

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‘Dramatic’ increases in younger Canadians’ deaths contributed to our reduced life expectancy

Amid a declining life expectancy across the country, new national data released this week show that years on from the beginning of the pandemic, COVID-19…

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Baisse de l’espérance de vie en Atlantique : la COVID-19, principale responsable

Life expectancy fell in the four Atlantic provinces in 2022. COVID-19 is one of the causes put forward by Statistics Canada to explain the phenomenon.

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More women than men died in Canada during the first months of the COVID pandemic, StatCan finds

A new report from Statistics Canada has found that more women died of COVID-19 than men did during the earliest months of the pandemic.

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How the COVID-19 pandemic lowered life expectancy in Canada last year

COVID-19 deaths led to a five-month decrease in life expectancy at birth last year, recent data released by Statistics Canada suggest, potentially putting the country at a level not seen in seven years.

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