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Tag: Tiohtià:ke

Quebec successfully pushes back against rise in measles cases

Quebec appears to be winning its battle against the rising tide of measles after 45 cases were confirmed province-wide this year.

“We’ve had no locally transmitted measles cases since March 25, so that’s good news,” said Dr. Paul Le Guerrier, responsible for immunization for Montreal Public Health.

There are 17 patients with measles in Quebec currently, and the most recent case is somebody who was infected while abroad, he said.

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First Indigenous family health clinic opens in Montreal

Montreal’s first family health clinic adapted to Indigenous people’s needs officially opened its doors on Friday morning.

The Native Montreal Family Clinic project, which was launched in 2021, is being led by Native Montréal to ensure the deployment and sustainability of health and social services adapted to the identity and specific needs of the Indigenous clientele in the metropolitan area.

Health Minister Christian Dubé made the announcement on Friday alongside the Minister responsible for Relations with First Nations and Inuit, Ian Lafrenière.

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Canada heading toward major measles outbreak without vaccine boost, new modelling suggests

As measles cases keep appearing in more parts of the country, new projections suggest there’s a high chance Canada may experience a “sizable outbreak” — with anywhere from dozens to thousands of people infected if the disease strikes communities with low vaccination rates.

As of Friday, at least 31 cases of measles have been reported so far this year across Canada, according to a CBC News tally of provincial and regional figures released by public health teams.

That’s already the largest annual total since 2019 and more than double the number of cases reported last year, as medical experts fear the number will rise while more Canadians travel in and out of the country this month for March break.

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Mask mandate reinstated in some Quebec health facilities following rise in measles cases

New data shows Quebec with 21 measles cases as of Friday 2 p.m., including 15 in Montreal.

According to the CIUSSS de l’Est, health centres in the eastern part of the island have responded by reinstating mask mandates and launching a vaccination campaign in elementary schools.

Notre-Dame and Sainte-Justine Hospitals are also among those requiring patients to wear masks to stop the spread.

“I feel like it’s necessary, especially to protect those who are more vulnerable,” said Montrealer Selena Ringwald. “Masking really doesn’t bother me, even as someone who has breathing issues after having COVID.”

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Radio | Quatre ans avec la COVID longue, le témoignage d’une famille montréalaise

Three years after the WHO declared the pandemic, this report plunges into the heart of the upset daily life of a Montreal family affected by…

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Four years later, long COVID continues to upend lives in Quebec

Sylvie Gagnon has been struggling with the symptoms of long COVID since early 2023, when she caught the virus for a fourth time since the outset of the pandemic.

A business development manager, Gagnon has been off work ever since. Needing help with daily tasks, she’s had to move in with her son and daughter-in-law.

On the few days she manages to leave the house in Vaudreuil-Dorion, she wears sunglasses and earmuffs — the condition has played havoc with her senses, leaving her hypersensitive to light and noise. Her pressure spikes without warning. Any exercise causes extreme fatigue.

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Deux nouveaux cas de rougeole à Montréal, pour un total de 12 au Québec

The Quebec Ministry of Health reports on Thursday two more cases of measles, bringing to 12 the total number of confirmed infections in the province since the beginning of the year.

The Quebec Ministry of Health indicates that since the beginning of the year, two cases of measles have been reported in Laval, north of Montreal, and another in Mauricie–Centre-du-Québec.

The Direction régionale de santé publique de Montréal states that seven cases reported in its territory, including the two new infections, are due to transmission in the community. The other two cases are related to international travel.

The regional agency says it is intensifying its efforts to trace the contacts of infected people.

Authorities said last Monday that the number of cases in Quebec was worrying, noting that measles vaccination rates were sometimes as low as 30% in some schools in Montreal.

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Quebec urges measles vaccination to prevent spread of highly contagious disease

Quebec public health officials are urging people to get themselves and their young children vaccinated for measles, a highly contagious disease that is making a comeback several years after its eradication.

Quebec’s public health director Luc Boileau, Montreal public health director Mylene Drouin, and pediatrician, microbiologist and infectious disease specialist Caroline Quach-Thanh are holding a news conference in Montreal Monday afternoon.

So far about 10 cases have been detected in the province, mainly in Montreal, but Boileau warns that it could be just the beginning.

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Montreal university study describes COVID-19 sanitary measures as ‘generally effective’

A study aimed at countering online misinformation finds that health measures taken by governments to protect against COVID-19 helped save lives and reduce the number of people hospitalized in 2020.

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One million Quebecers infected with respiratory viruses

Quebec Health Minister Christian Dubé and his chief public health officer warned Tuesday that the province is facing a major COVID-19 resurgence, coupled with a spike in influenza cases.

“We have a lot of vulnerable people that (are being hospitalized) because of influenza and because of COVID, and they should have been vaccinated,” Dubé said at a news conference.

“I think that the situation over the next few weeks will deteriorate. Let’s be clear about that.”

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COVID-19 outbreak aboard Canadian warship forces cancellation of Great Lakes tour

An outbreak of COVID-19 aboard a Canadian warship has forced the Royal Canadian Navy to cancel the remainder of a tour of the Great Lakes and the St. Lawrence Seaway.

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Novavax espère toujours fabriquer un vaccin contre la COVID-19 au Canada

The last manufacturer to offer an alternative to COVID-19 mRNA vaccines in Canada hopes to meet the government’s 2024 deadline for domestic dose production.

Novavax, based in Maryland, USA, held a press conference on Wednesday to tout the safety and efficacy of its new vaccine, which targets newer strains of COVID-19.

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Mandatory masks are back at Montreal’s CHUM, centre-west health board

The Centre hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal (CHUM) and the regional health board for the city’s centre-west region are bringing back mandatory mask rules.

The rule, which applies to both staff and visitors, took effect on Friday at every facility of the CIUSSS du Centre-Ouest-de-l’Île-de-Montréal. That includes the Montreal Jewish General Hospital.

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Au tour du CHUM d’obliger le port du masque

Faced with the increase in cases of COVID-19 and respiratory viruses, wearing a mask will once again be mandatory at the Centre hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal (CHUM) starting Monday.

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L’intestin des patients atteints de la COVID longue semble plus perméable

Individuals with the long COVID and neurological symptoms have different intestinal flora, it was heard on Wednesday at the first Canadian Symposium on Long COVID, held at the Hilton Midtown hotel in Montreal.

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