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It’s Time to “Cancel” Covid Minimizing Doctors

[Traduit de l’anglais]

« We’ve had enough Covid minimizing. We’re tired of hearing “no cause for alarm” every single time a wave begins. We’ve done this for three years now. Every single time, there was a desperate need to bring back masks and install proper clean air technologies in our public spaces. Every single time, Covid minimizing doctors got in the way and stalled progress. We’ve had enough of the media outlets who continue to platform them.

People are dying.

Lives are being ruined by Long Covid. The victims include teenagers and children, people who would’ve otherwise had a full happy life ahead of them. Heading into our fourth year with this virus, we have an overwhelming and undeniable mountain of evidence that there’s no such thing as a mild case of Covid. There’s no such thing as natural or herd immunity.

It’s time to stop. »