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Catégorie : Colombie-Britannique

BC health advocates call on government to reinstate healthcare mask requirements

Protect Our Province BC, DoNoHarm BC, and Masks4EastVan highlight harms and human rights violations from loss of healthcare safety

[en anglais seulement]

Wednesday, April 17, 2024 (British Columbia) – Independent public health groups Protect Our Province BC, DoNoHarm BC, and Masks4EastVan are calling on the BC government to restore healthcare mask requirements. They are urging British Columbians to call for airborne pathogen protections in clinical settings by joining DoNoHarm BC’s campaign.

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“Vulnerability isn’t seasonal”: DoNoHarm BC launches campaign to keep masks in BC healthcare

Vulnerable British Columbians call for continued protections from COVID-19, measles, and other airborne diseases

March 14, 2024 (British Columbia) – DoNoHarm BC, a grassroots group advocating for evidence-based public health measures, is leading a province-wide campaign to keep mask protections in BC medical settings. The campaign, “Vulnerability Isn’t Seasonal”, also calls to strengthen infection control with patient masking; wider use of N95 masks; and coverage in private practices like GP’s offices.

BC currently requires masks in hospitals and long-term care for staff, contractors, visitors and volunteers – but not for patients. While policy-makers have only guaranteed this measure for a “few months” over the winter, DoNoHarm BC notes that the last time BC discarded healthcare masking, multiple medical facilities suffered COVID outbreaks. At the time, removal of healthcare masking contradicted guidance from the World Health Organization, and prompted BC’s Human Rights Commissioner to state that the move “does not uphold a human rights centered approach to public health.”

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First-person stories from British Columbians

[Article en anglais seulement]

CW: cancer, surgery, medical negligence, denial of care, disability grief

As part of DoNoHarm BC’s #Postcards4PublicHealth campaign, we’ve invited British Columbians to share their stories about the lack of Covid safety in BC – particularly the loss of mask protections in healthcare. Many wrote directly to policy makers. Some generously gave us permission to share their stories with the public and the press.

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British Columbians protest calling to restore mask protections in healthcare

Le lundi 28 août à 12 h, les Britanno-Colombiens se rassembleront devant le bureau du ministre de la Santé Adrian Dix pour exiger le rétablissement du masquage universel dans les établissements de santé, ainsi que d’autres mesures de sécurité clés comme l’air pur. Faisant écho aux directives de l’OMS et aux appels du commissaire aux droits de la personne de la Colombie-Britannique (et des médecins et des chercheurs du monde entier), les travailleurs de la santé, les patients et les soignants raconteront leur histoire et exigeront des mesures pour protéger les plus vulnérables.

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